Other comics of August 31, 2016

Since I didn’t have enough time yesterday to review the other comics I picked up yesterday, here’s a quick post to talk about Ms. Marvel 10 and Deadpool vs. Gambit 4. Yeah, it’s been a crazy week.

Ms. Marvel 10 continues Kamala Khan’s personal story within Civil War II. The opening flashback shows Kamala when she first goes to school in Jersey City. The number of visual gags in Adrian Alphona’s art in the flashback is even crazier than usual, and that’s part of what makes it work so well. It also shows the first meeting between Kamala and her friend, Bruno. It makes the opening scene where he’s in a coma all the more tragic. This is by far the most dramatic issue of Ms. Marvel yet, for either volume. There’s still room for fun here and there, but this comic takes itself very seriously, and it’s very well written by G. Willow Wilson. Takeshi Miyazawa’s art in the main story is also good. Facial expressions do a good job at capturing Kamala’s growing frustration with the pre-emptive justice that Captain Marvel is running, and the action flows well. Ian Herring handles all the colouring, and it’s very good throughout. Ms. Marvel regulars should pick this up, and those who are curious to check out this series, and are enjoying Civil War II, won’t be too lost since the previous issues explain everything you need to know.


Deadpool vs. Gambit 4 is a bit odd, considering how fun the previous 3 issues are. This issue is all about Scrambler and what he’s been up to since he lost his hands to X-23 during the Messiah Complex event. It’s a surprisingly dramatic issue that shows Scrambler’s attempts to have a normal life, even as his former villains occasionally show up to mess it up. His powers are also explored in interesting ways. I won’t spoil how it ends, but it’s kind of tragic. Danilo Beyruth’s art is a simple, classic style that works fairly well with Chris Peter’s equally simple yet effective colouring. Ben Acker and Ben Blacker’s writing is very good in this comic, although if you’re not all that interested in Scrambler’s story, this issue probably won’t interest you. It’s also kind of jarring when the rest of this mini-series is so entertaining.


About healed1337

I am a relatively new comic book fan writing this blog for other new comic book fans and/or people who are interested in comics but don't know where to start. I've always been interested in writing, to the point where I have a college Creative Writing Certificate and I'm currently a year 2 Journalism student. I also have another blog where I mostly make fun of bad movies - www.healed1337.blogspot.com As for how I got into comics, I've always had a passing interest in superheroes: most notably Batman, Spider-man and the X-Men. Until February of 2011 (I think,) my only experience with any of these franchises came from the movies and video games. Shortly after I bought Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 however, I decided to check out X-23, Wolverine's female clone. I ended up reading her Innocence Lost origin story and enjoyed it. From there, I started reading various X-Men comics and it quickly exploded into my newest hobby. My other interests/hobbies include video games, movies, music, playing sports, my dogs and weird news.
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1 Response to Other comics of August 31, 2016

  1. xmenxpert says:

    Ms. Marvel is excellent. Really high drama, really emotional stuff. Seeing how Kamala and Bruno met was sweet, and made his current condition sadder. And the visual gags in Alphona’s section are great.

    Deadpool v. Gambit bothered me on a fanboy level, but it’s a really good issue. Great writing.


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